John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s UFO Research

Undoubtedly, some of the documents that have generated the most controversy in the recent declassification from the central intelligence agency are those related to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his interest in UFOs. 

Previously in 2011, the researcher and writer William Lester, through the Freedom of Information Act, obtained a memorandum, which provided evidence of the way in which John F. Kennedy was involved in the subject of  extraterrestrial visitation. The letter was written by President John F. Kennedy to the CIA chief on November 12th 1963, just ten days before his assassination. In the letter, Kennedy demanded that highly confidential UFO documents be shown to him. Kennedy's interest was not incidental, since previously, he had witnessed a UFO for himself.

According to the researchers of these documents, Kennedy's reasons were legitimate, as he expressed concerns that in the Soviet Union a large number of sightings were being recorded, and he feared that the Soviets could misinterpret the presence of these objects as an act of aggression on the part of North America. 

In fact, in the memorandum declassified by the CIA, in addition to the petition regarding UFOs, President Kennedy expresses his desire to cooperate with the former Soviet Union in mutual activities in outer space. 

Kennedy, was very passionate about the study and conquest of space, him being the man who launched the program that took man to the moon of course. It is possible that Kennedy's interest in reaching our natural satellite originated with his interest in the extraterrestrial visit.

This document, which is known as the burned memorandum, was leaked to the media and originates from the Central Intelligence Agency. According to the information released, it belonged to a file that was being destroyed, but was rescued at the last moment. 

The document would have gone unnoticed, had it not been for the discovery of a character contained therein, named Lancer, who was asking the director of the CIA, John A McCone about the activities of Majestic Group 12. It is of course now a well rumored group to have possibly existed. Some may have called it the UFO Working Group, others may have called it another name within the intelligence service, however there has long been an interest in UFOs from a defense perspective behind the scenes as we have heard about AATIP in recent years. These groups are known to be ultra-secret working groups in charge of investigating UFO/Extraterrestrial activity in the United States and the rest of the world. As it turns out, Lancer, was the code name assigned by the CIA to president John F Kennedy.

Apart from everything else, these documents reveal the involvement of the then leader of the American Union with the UFO phenomenon.
