Having a chance to sit down with Stanton Friedman was something I planned for many years. I say this because I attended one of his lectures, I think in 2014 at International UFO Congress where he quite brilliantly outlined the “Rules of a Debunker”. This lecture burned into my heart and after this I saw the same behavior or rules of engagement play out over and over before my eyes. That was the amazing thing about Stanton, he didn’t get personal, he got even. He understood quite well through a very logical process that eventually the truth would prevail in any good discussion, but when a debunker enters the discussion, they already have a targeted objective in mind. Most of the time when a debunker is losing the battle of words through bad logic or ill informed facts, they will always default to personal attacks and sensationalist reductionism.

You’ll notice this in some of debates between Philip J. Klass and Stanton. You will see it from Bill Nye the “science guy” and all the way to the bottom of the barrel like Gufon (Richard Giordano). They always follow the same tactics. Attack the person, don’t attack the data…
